Hi everyone! Have you been enjoying school lately? Here are some things that have happened from the start of the school days to now! Firstly, we can talk about Term 1.
What are some things that you have done in Term 1? Have you picked up a new sport, or perhaps a brand-new hobby? It is up to you which option in the poll!
What did you do in Term 1?
I picked up a new sport.
I picked up a new hobby.
I scored well in my exams.
I picked up a new language.
You can vote for more than one answer.
The happenings of Term 1
The Chinese New year celebration happened. It was a happy and joyous occasion that has left us many wonderful memories. What are some things you do during Chinese New Year?
What are some things you do during Chinese New Year?
I go and visit my relatives.
I enjoy delicious traditional Chinese dishes and snacks.
I do Lao Yu Sheng.
None of the above.
You can vote for more than one answer.
Other than that, our Weighted Assessments also happened. I felt a lot of stress but I managed to cope with it. Here are some tips to calm yourself down when you are feeling pressurized.
Some things you can do to calm yourself down.
You can count to ten.
You can think of positive things.
You can close your eyes for a short ten seconds to refresh and restart.
This way, you can find it easier to cope with stress.
March Holidays
Did you travel overseas? If you did, where did you go?
Where did you go to in the March Holidays?
I stayed at home.
You can vote for more than one answer.
Did you enjoy your March Holidays? No matter what, this is a good time to restart your mind and enjoy your time. The holidays are a treasurable time with your family too!
Term 2
Now, we are back at school. We learn new topics everyday and spend time with your friends! The Weighted Assessments are coming. But do not fret, you will be able to cope with the stress by following my tips.
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Clarissa , my name is Angela , so , why is recess Olympics here?
emma, my name is Angela and your name is emma ha
Also what is Lao Yu Sheng
Miss, put recieve a lot of red packets and thinks that the only reason to be present for chinese new year as an option