Welcome to our two new supporting partners! We are very pleased to help our supporting partners and we hope our supporting partners will also give us their greatest support. We will help each other in time of need, and promote each other. We look forward in collaborating with you.
Before we start, if you want to be a supporting partner, tell us in the comments below. Leave your name, class, and club/team name.
Supporting Partner 1: Jaeda's Recess Olympics©
Jaeda's Recess Olympics© is about training, fun and games during recess. We choose to collaborate with them as we feel that Jaeda's Recess Olympics© is meaningful to those who want to be fit and health, as well as kill time during recess.
Supporting Partner 2: Wendi Comics©
Wendi Comics© writes great comics. It is a individual, one person club. We choose her to be our supporting partner as she has a great sense of responsibility, and we trust that she will promote our club.
Overall, we would like to congratulate our new supporting partners, and Em's Storywriting Team hopes to have a good collaboration with them.
Em's Storywriting Team hopes you will become one of our supporting partners if you have a club/team. Feel free to tell us in the comments below. Thank you for your upmost support in Em's Storywriting Team!🤗
© Em's Storywriting Team 2024
What would you want to join?
~Em's Storywriting Team
Not bad, can I even join?