Merry Christmas to you and everyone here reading this post. It has been a long year (2023) has it?
Long year? Short year? Well it depends on your lifestyle. If you are happy all year (Maybe not all year) it will pass fast. If you are sad, it just feels longer. True?
Which one is you? It does not matter. All that matters is that we start the new year fresh.😌 Which is clearing up things you don't need, cleaning, preparing new stationary, and restocking snacks? A year is long, can you tell us what happened in Christmas season?
Christmas is simple, Family gathering, eating turkeys and log cakes, setting Christmas trees and exchanging presents.
Well, if you feel bored in this season, why don't you go to your nearby mall? Most malls in the Christmas season have special activities.
Or just write a journal. Good idea!
So email and send us your Christmas journal. The best one's gonna be on our website if you agree so.
So, look forward to see it. And Merry Christmas and happy New Year! 2024
I like it!
-Pudding (Example)
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